Monday, March 21, 2011

Good Ways To Study English Outside

Good Ways To Study English Outside

                We know some good ways to study English outside class. There are three most important ways to help us improve English fast and easily. First of all, reading is a good way to make our grammar and vocabulary better and better. Trying to find some books you are interested in and that are appropriate can make you keep reading even if they have some new vocabulary. Also reading the newspaper is a good hobby to practice your reading and grammar. In addition, listening is most useful in your live. For example, watching news and movies without subtitles can push you to improve your listening with native speckers. You can listen to the radio and music even if you can’t understand all the meaning. Finally, speaking is the third way to make your English perfect. For instance, joining a study club to make native friends and trying to communicate with them can offer more chances to talk in English . If you are too shy using Facebook, a blog or E-mail is another way to contact friends who use perfect English. To sum it up, we think these three ways are the easiest and fastest to learn English even if you are not in a class. You can attempt to utilize our methods. We suppose you must get better English.

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Monday, March 14, 2011

Learning English

Learning English

      My first experience learning English was difficult. When I was a student of kindergarten, I did not like to join the English classes. Also, I really hated to touch a letter of them. First of all, I felt strange to see English in the beginning because the English writing are very different from the Chinese. Besides, I was confused to identify the letter among these twenty six letters. When I wrote letters for the practices, I just made a mess on them. In addition, when I had an English dictation test, I could not catch all sentences from the voice of my teacher. English words were very hard to memorize and discriminate for me in that time. I felt terrible about a grade that I could not be friendly with English. Finally, My English teacher always requested a student of us to stand up and read what she had just pronounced. I was bad lucky because she liked to call my name what the same as her brother’s name. Unfortunately, I could not say the perfect pronunciation while I was daydreaming, so my lovely classmates always laughed at me. To sum it up, I did not like to study English when I was a child. It was hard for me in the first time as a nightmare.

Monday, March 7, 2011

3 Questions

A. Why are you studying English? Explain with details.

I am studying English because I live in the place where have many people just can speak English. If I cannot communicate with them in English, it will be hard for me to live here for a long time. However, if I can speak, write, and read English well, I can easily get a better job after graduation. Eventually, English is an international language what have used in the globe. If I know how to use English, I can travel all over the world. These are some reasons that is why I am studying English. 

B. Do you use English very much when you're not in this class? Explain what situations you need to use it in.
        No, I do not use English very much when I am not in this class. However, I sometimes wait for another class , so I chat with some classmates in English. Also, we talk about the information of homework, test and class. When I go to the market for food and sundry goods, I may need to ask the worker about some products in English. If I go to the fast food shop and restaurant, I always need to speak English for ordering a meal.

C. How do you feel when you use English? Are you sometimes nervous, comfortable, or...? Explain.
        Sometimes, I feel comfortable when I talk with classmate. Their speed of speech is not too fast, so I may not scare to chat with them. If I need to converse with native people, it makes me nervous to face them. Also, I always cannot catch what they said in the first time. Eventually, the most uncomfortable to me is presentation because I need to speak English in front of many people in class.