Monday, May 23, 2011

Talented Mountain Climbers

1. Reach the summit
2. Simon helps Joe
3. Joe saves his life

Talented Mountain Climbers

          There are many mountain climbers who always get hurt or seriously go so far as to die by climbing mountains. If they can survive this adventurous sport by themselves, they are so smart. So Simon and Joe were talented mountain climbers.
           First of all, that Simon and Joe can attempt to reach the summit in Peru means they are very skillful. They must use much time to train their whole bodies. Also, they need to get some special training for mountain climbing. Before they reach the peak, they span many hills and rivers. In addition, Simon helps Joe go half way down to the botton of the mountain. When Joe breaks several bones of his leg, Simon can quickly get an idea to help him. Although Simon's method is not comfortable for Joe, it is the fastest way to do it. If Simon does not cut the rope, theymay both die. Finally, Joe can save his life by himself. If he does not use his knowledge to find some ways to get out of the hold, he must die inside the mountain. He does not give up on escaping from the terrible condition. When he finally leaves the hole of mountain, he tries his best to find Simon's tent.
            To sum it up, Simon and Joe can use their skills to save their lives because they are intelligent. Also, they are bold enough to face the dangerous conditions. I am so proud of them because they can be alive to come back.
(252 words)

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